Yesterday Judge Burdock handed down the sentencing to Michael McClish and a packed courtroom.
First there was discussion on whether or not the sentences would be consecutive or concurrent. That is, would the two murder sentences, along with his rape conviction, be served at the same time, or one after another. It seemed dumb (there is no other word for it) that they would even consider concurrent sentences. The Judge said that a decision would be made after the impact testimony. After some initial dialog between DA Jeff Rosell and Defense Attorney T. Wallraff, citizen impact testimony was heard.
First Mr. Rosell spoke about the brutal, senseless nature of the crime, for which McClish was found guilty of by a group of his own peers. Next up was Asha's mother in law, who gave a heartened account of her wonderful daughter in law, and the life shattering realization that she will never know her granddaughter. She was poised but emotional, and watching McClish nod in agreement with her as she spoke about this wonderful life snuffed out far too soon was aggravating.
The court also heard the words of Richard Veil, the father of the child, and Asha's husband. His words accompanied a slide show of Asha enjoying life, for which he explained that he wishes the court to honor Asha's memory by remembering her for these images, and not those from the crime scene. It was gripping listening to him speak, obviously even after all these years, the wound is still fresh. His words about how they met, how they moved to California and started their life together, and how she cared for him after he became injured without a second though just helped to illustrate her as a good life lost far before its time.
Lastly, a victims advocate read a statement prepared by Asha's parents half way across the world, who could not be there (and by all rights probably would not want to be). It was hard not to watch McClish's many supporters seated behind him sink slightly into their seats during the reading. While they were present to give support to a family member who had been found guilty time and time again, perhaps they hadn't thought about the family on the other side of this situation. Asha's parents halfway around the world who were helpless to support their daughter as she was no longer present to support. They had learned of their impending grandchild, and before that fantasy came to fruition they lost their child and grandchild in one fell swoop. Truly a situation I would not wish upon anyone, and they are living it. Whatever hardships the McClish family is going through, they pale in comparison to those faced by Asha's parents, family, and friends. There is no comparison.
And then McClish took the podium, wearing full Prison attire (an orange and white stripped getup) complete with matching bracelets (read: full shackles, ankles and all). He had multiple pages he read, loudly, seemingly proudly, with little emotion and absolutely no remorse. He started with maintaining his innocence. He said he was unfairly targeted by an overzealous Sheriffs Department, who despite thousands of man hours, outside experts, and State experts doing much of the collection and analyzation of the damning evidence, it is the Sheriffs that are to blame. He went on to explain that he and Asha were just friends, never anything more, and to remember her as an adultress only tarnishes her memory, and he wishes we wouldn't. He described her in detail as a great, wonderful, bubbly woman. He was only suppose to be allowed 5 minutes, stating this himself at the start of his 'testimony' but just describing how wonderful Asha was took longer than that.
McClish continued with how he is the victim, that he has lost his family, his wife, his children, etc etc etc. It was so hard to listen to him speak I wish he would have been cut off. The Judge was also clearly irked by his words, especially when McClish said that the Justice system is broken, and it has failed him. Judge Burdock's face was priceless at this statement. While he was clearly frustrated by McClish speaking negatively about the mismanagement of the Sheriffs Department and the DA's Office, when he called the integrity of the Justice System itself into question, Judge Burdock had a look on his face like he just ate the most sour thing imaginable (an entire bag or Warheads candy). McClish spoke more, but like I said, it was hard to listen to. There was mention of God, etc, etc, etc, who I am sure has some harsh words for McClish, though McClish would beg to differ.
No one else spoke for McClish.
Judge Burdock quickly explained to an incredulous McClish that he had given him the most fair trial he could ever have hoped for. The Jury pool was one of the more intelligent he had seen, representing a great, diverse cross section of our community. Truly a group of his peers. He excluded his prior rape convictions, assaults, threats, witness testimony about death threats, his actions with a hatchet and a woman's neck, and anything else (including allowing him to wear a suit even though he was currently a prisoner). He had his day in court. He had his fair chance. The Jury took nearly a week to reach a verdict, and he was satisfied with it after reviewing all of the evidence himself. Judge Burdock explained that he was found guilty, yet again, despite a group of 12 fresh minds that had no idea of McClish's past actions and behavior. So that is 24 peers that have now convicted him of some heinous crimes. Some of the most depraved, sickening and heartless crimes this community has seen. That he showed no remorse whatsoever during his statement. That the Sheriffs Office had done an amazing job investigating this case and that they deserve commendations for their thousands of hours and dedication to capturing a murderer. When he said he has no choice but to hand down the maximum sentence in all charges, McClish did not look shocked.
Life without the possibility of Parole (LWOP) for murder 1 in the killing of Asha. He was given 15 to life for the murder of the unborn child. He was given 1 year for the special allegation of using a weapon. All of these were to be served consecutively, to each other and to the 18 to life he is currently serving for the rape and sodomy of another woman he was found guilty of years ago.
He has to serve 18 to life before he can serve his life without parole, and then he can start to serve his 15 to life. And then he has one more year. Like I have been saying since the very start of this trial when people have asked my opinion, he will never see the outside of prison. That no one should have any misgivings about possible repercussions for testifying against him, because he can never get out to be a threat to them. I hope he is a Buddhist and believes in reincarnation because that is what it is going to take to ever see the outside of a jail.
A big thank you to Mr. Jeff Rosell, like Judge Burdock stated, you stated your case as clearly and concisely as humanly possible. You made all of the evidence continue to stack, logically, on top of itself until it was impossible to refute. You have done the community a great service, and I know you will continue to do so. The Justice system seems to work just fine from where I sat, keep up the good work and know that you have the community's support.
Judge Burdock, if for any reason I had to appear as a Defendant in a Courtroom (I wont! But we are playing 'What If') I hope you are the presiding Judge. You were more than fair every step of the way. You actually gave the Defendant a better chance at a Defense by excluding many damning testimony, evidence, prior convictions, and fact. Your rulings for even the most trivial of objections seemed logical to this layman, and you made a point to stop both Prosecution and Defense at times to restate in a more clear way when you could tell that they were losing the Jury. I think that making sure the Jury understood every word and statement muttered during the proceedings was a true benefit, something many Judges probably wouldn't take upon themselves. Thank you for your service to this community, and I will say hi next time I see you eating lunch downtown!
Team Patrick, Mr Patrick Murray and Mr Ian Patrick, you guys are killer. I sincerely hope that the two of you got a great sense of personal satisfaction seeing this case end after half a decade of serious work and long hours. You were both naturals in the Courtroom, Mr. Ian Patrick you were by far the most composed up in that Witness box, there wasn't a single pause, you had a loud commanding voice that everyone in the Court could hear, microphone or not, and I wish I was able to speak like that in public. Mr Patrick Murray, you are one amazing guy and I am glad you are in this community working hard to keep it safe(r) for all of us. I am glad to see the beard is back, it makes you look distinguished. From what I understand, Mr Ian Patrick will eventually be transferred out of the DA's Investigation post he is at (shame), but that you are a permanent position. If I in my life accomplish 10% of the good you will do, or probably already have done, for the community, I will die happy looking back on the effect my life had on society. So I envy you, and send my gratitude. So, Mr. Cool and Captain Amazing, I think Burdock was right, you and many of the Sheriffs that worked so damn hard for so damn long on this case deserve commendations. Or at the very least, a huge thank you from the community.
Mr Tom Wallraff, you Defended a man to the best of your ability. While I may have thought that some of your tactics, intentional or not, were a bit much, I would feel comfortable with you as my Defense. You fought tooth and nail, but there is only so much you can do when the evidence makes a verdict as apparent as it was in this case.
To everyone involved in the investigation of this case, Deputy Brzozowski, Deputy McDonald, Sgt Verinsky, Inspector Ramsey, Dr Haskall, Angela Meyers, Tom Fetor, Lara Walker, Sheriff Mata, Faye Springer, and all of the other unseen people that invested hundreds of hours into collecting and analyzing data for this case, THANK YOU! Our community is a tad bit safer and more bareable to live in because of your hard work. And a family half way across the world can start to get some closure on their daughters premature death.
Lastly I would say that I had originally wanted to go into Law Enforcement, but had changed paths in my life some years ago. Attending this trial day in and day out, interacting with the various Sheriffs and Investigators as I did here and there, has revitalized my passion for taking this route in life. So see you soon!
~Chris J Morello
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Court Meeting February 16, 2012
Today's court meeting was suppose to be the sentencing hearing, which had been previously postponed at the request of the Defense. They wanted time to investigate some of the Jurors. What their investigator supposedly found was that one of the Jurors knew second-hand about McClish being on trial for rape charges unrelated to his current case, and had told another Juror about it, from what I understand.
The Defense asked that the Jury's sealed documents be unsealed. The Prosecution, and later the Judge, pointed out that the Juror (#5) had revealed this information at the Jury Selection. That the Defense could have dismissed this Juror and chose not to. That the Defense had the opportunity to question this Juror, which they did, but did not pry into the subject for an extended period. That McClish himself was active in talking with his Defense Attorney T.W. during this selection, and could have voiced a concern, or asked that the Juror be removed through T.W. and did neither.
The Judge also explained that EVERYDAY in court, he began the proceedings by asking the Jury if they had been exposed to any outside information, and none ever expressed that they had. He closed the court EVERYDAY by saying that they are not to discuss the Trial with anyone outside of the courtroom, for any reason, under any circumstance, nor are they allowed to do any research outside of the court on any topic related to the case. Including the background of the Defendant. And that they are to notify the court if they, or any juror they know of, is exposed to any outside information, or if any juror exposes the rest of them to any outside information.
A Juror at one point in the trial overheard another Juror at lunch with his mother commenting about the trial. That juror was berated for this by the Judge, and I believe ultimately dismissed, though I cannot recall for certain. If such a small infraction, sharing some information with his mother, was cause for this Juror to be reported by another, and berated by the Judge, there is no doubt in my mind that if one Juror had shared outside knowledge, namely that McClish is a convicted [**serial**] rapist, that at least one, if not more, Juror would have come forward and reported it.
It was revealed that the indiscretion by one Juror in regards to sharing outside information with another Juror happened after the verdict. A unanimous Guilty verdict had already been reached before the information was shared -- which again, had already been disclosed even before the trial started, and the Defense had ample time to dismiss or raise concerns, and didn't. So this information had no bearing on the verdict. It could not have swayed the verdict, to imply such, as I believe the Defense was in order to get a retrial or mistrial, is like saying I could have had an effect on the outcome of WWII, when I wasn't even alive at the time. Idiotic.
The court order for the Juror Information Release was denied. The Defense attorney had ample chance to question Juror #5 about the knowledge of McClish's prior rape charges she had garnered from her Husband. He had the opportunity to dismiss her using a Peremptory Challenge, and didn't. T.W. attempted to say that he had used all of his Peremptory Challenge's, but it was noted that at the time of Juror #5 revealing the information he had some remaining and used them elsewhere.
Judge Burdick went on to discuss the rights of the Jurors themselves. Noting that they all expressed that they did not want to speak with the public, News, or anyone for that matter about the trial once it was over. They waited in the Courthouse until the public left after the verdict before they dispersed. They have a right to privacy, and he was not going to unseal their records as no evidence was given that it was necessary to encroach on their privacy. Their questionnaires were placed in the Court's sealed records (which in these questionnaires Juror #5 had written that she had been aware of a previous Rape allegation against Mr. McClish to some small degree). Further proof that this was a known factor dating back to the selection of the Jury.
One thing that all of us can take away from this is that as a Juror, especially one sitting on a murder trial, it is never okay to discuss the trial. Doing so with another Juror, even after the trial is over, can be grounds to delay or call for a mistrial. Under no circumstance would I ever speak about what went on during a trial to anyone, even years down the line.
McClish has tried to drag his feet from Day 1. He sought (and lost) several appeals to his rape convictions. He fired his Defense Attorney. Now he is attempting the same charade with his Murder conviction. There is another hearing coming up in which councils will not be present (Wednesday, February 22 at 9:00AM) where I am sure he will attempt to give grounds to fire his current attorney, maybe even try and say he was unfairly represented. More delays and charades. He has been found guilty many times over, and there are even several major crimes he hasn't been charged with that has clear cut evidence that would lead to an easy conviction; but there is little need when his guilt for the double murder is so easily seen by prosecutors -- and apparently the Jurors as well. He is a multiple offender, by my count he has over 4 strikes on his record, and you only need 3 in order to invoke a mandatory 25 years to life sentence in the State of California. There was never a doubt in my mind that he was guilty of everything he was charged with, this shouldn't come as a shock as I believe I disclosed these sentiments in my first post, and he got MORE than a fair trial.
In my eyes a fair trial would have allowed much of the evidence that was deemed inadmissible. He should have been disclosed as having been convicted of raping a female employee, as it goes to show his level of 'respect' for younger female employees he was surrounded by, including Mrs. Asha Veil. There was witness testimony that wasn't allowed that would have painted him more accurately than he was for the Jury, which would have swayed their opinion of him to the negative, and this was not allowed. His Defense Attorney, Mr. Thomas Walraff, in my opinion, represented him to the best of his ability. If I were ever to be on trial, even after watching all of these proceedings day in and day out, despite him losing this case, I would be more than comfortable having him represent me. He was very vocal in raising concerns with the slightest thing. He, from what I could tell, purposely mis-dated events in an attempt to trip up witness testimony. I thought it was unnecessarily sleazy, many probably thought it unintentional, but I would want the best possible Defense for myself. And that is what I think McClish got.
There is only so much you can do to Defend someone guilty of Rape and Murder from their rightful punishment. I believe T.W. gave McClish more than his fair Defense, and is continuing to try and do so, even after the Guilty verdict. But with how prepared DA Jeff Rosell has been, with the amount of evidence he and the large team of experts behind him have, there isn't really a Defense for a guilty man. Even the State went easy on him, when the Death Penalty should have been on the table. When further charges revealed during investigations and his prison stays arose, they weren't levied by the State.
No he got his fair day in court. He dragged his family through the spotlight and the mud during this whole process. For once in your life Mike, think of others before you act. Accept your guilt, as you and only you know you truly are, face your consequences like a man, and retreat to your jail cell for the remainder of your life where you know you belong. Further delays and appeals only keep this wound fresh for your family, let them and the people in this county heal, and quit being a drain on their tax dollars. You had your day in court, your peers saw your guilt, it's about time you do.
The Defense asked that the Jury's sealed documents be unsealed. The Prosecution, and later the Judge, pointed out that the Juror (#5) had revealed this information at the Jury Selection. That the Defense could have dismissed this Juror and chose not to. That the Defense had the opportunity to question this Juror, which they did, but did not pry into the subject for an extended period. That McClish himself was active in talking with his Defense Attorney T.W. during this selection, and could have voiced a concern, or asked that the Juror be removed through T.W. and did neither.
The Judge also explained that EVERYDAY in court, he began the proceedings by asking the Jury if they had been exposed to any outside information, and none ever expressed that they had. He closed the court EVERYDAY by saying that they are not to discuss the Trial with anyone outside of the courtroom, for any reason, under any circumstance, nor are they allowed to do any research outside of the court on any topic related to the case. Including the background of the Defendant. And that they are to notify the court if they, or any juror they know of, is exposed to any outside information, or if any juror exposes the rest of them to any outside information.
A Juror at one point in the trial overheard another Juror at lunch with his mother commenting about the trial. That juror was berated for this by the Judge, and I believe ultimately dismissed, though I cannot recall for certain. If such a small infraction, sharing some information with his mother, was cause for this Juror to be reported by another, and berated by the Judge, there is no doubt in my mind that if one Juror had shared outside knowledge, namely that McClish is a convicted [**serial**] rapist, that at least one, if not more, Juror would have come forward and reported it.
It was revealed that the indiscretion by one Juror in regards to sharing outside information with another Juror happened after the verdict. A unanimous Guilty verdict had already been reached before the information was shared -- which again, had already been disclosed even before the trial started, and the Defense had ample time to dismiss or raise concerns, and didn't. So this information had no bearing on the verdict. It could not have swayed the verdict, to imply such, as I believe the Defense was in order to get a retrial or mistrial, is like saying I could have had an effect on the outcome of WWII, when I wasn't even alive at the time. Idiotic.
The court order for the Juror Information Release was denied. The Defense attorney had ample chance to question Juror #5 about the knowledge of McClish's prior rape charges she had garnered from her Husband. He had the opportunity to dismiss her using a Peremptory Challenge, and didn't. T.W. attempted to say that he had used all of his Peremptory Challenge's, but it was noted that at the time of Juror #5 revealing the information he had some remaining and used them elsewhere.
Judge Burdick went on to discuss the rights of the Jurors themselves. Noting that they all expressed that they did not want to speak with the public, News, or anyone for that matter about the trial once it was over. They waited in the Courthouse until the public left after the verdict before they dispersed. They have a right to privacy, and he was not going to unseal their records as no evidence was given that it was necessary to encroach on their privacy. Their questionnaires were placed in the Court's sealed records (which in these questionnaires Juror #5 had written that she had been aware of a previous Rape allegation against Mr. McClish to some small degree). Further proof that this was a known factor dating back to the selection of the Jury.
One thing that all of us can take away from this is that as a Juror, especially one sitting on a murder trial, it is never okay to discuss the trial. Doing so with another Juror, even after the trial is over, can be grounds to delay or call for a mistrial. Under no circumstance would I ever speak about what went on during a trial to anyone, even years down the line.
McClish has tried to drag his feet from Day 1. He sought (and lost) several appeals to his rape convictions. He fired his Defense Attorney. Now he is attempting the same charade with his Murder conviction. There is another hearing coming up in which councils will not be present (Wednesday, February 22 at 9:00AM) where I am sure he will attempt to give grounds to fire his current attorney, maybe even try and say he was unfairly represented. More delays and charades. He has been found guilty many times over, and there are even several major crimes he hasn't been charged with that has clear cut evidence that would lead to an easy conviction; but there is little need when his guilt for the double murder is so easily seen by prosecutors -- and apparently the Jurors as well. He is a multiple offender, by my count he has over 4 strikes on his record, and you only need 3 in order to invoke a mandatory 25 years to life sentence in the State of California. There was never a doubt in my mind that he was guilty of everything he was charged with, this shouldn't come as a shock as I believe I disclosed these sentiments in my first post, and he got MORE than a fair trial.
In my eyes a fair trial would have allowed much of the evidence that was deemed inadmissible. He should have been disclosed as having been convicted of raping a female employee, as it goes to show his level of 'respect' for younger female employees he was surrounded by, including Mrs. Asha Veil. There was witness testimony that wasn't allowed that would have painted him more accurately than he was for the Jury, which would have swayed their opinion of him to the negative, and this was not allowed. His Defense Attorney, Mr. Thomas Walraff, in my opinion, represented him to the best of his ability. If I were ever to be on trial, even after watching all of these proceedings day in and day out, despite him losing this case, I would be more than comfortable having him represent me. He was very vocal in raising concerns with the slightest thing. He, from what I could tell, purposely mis-dated events in an attempt to trip up witness testimony. I thought it was unnecessarily sleazy, many probably thought it unintentional, but I would want the best possible Defense for myself. And that is what I think McClish got.
There is only so much you can do to Defend someone guilty of Rape and Murder from their rightful punishment. I believe T.W. gave McClish more than his fair Defense, and is continuing to try and do so, even after the Guilty verdict. But with how prepared DA Jeff Rosell has been, with the amount of evidence he and the large team of experts behind him have, there isn't really a Defense for a guilty man. Even the State went easy on him, when the Death Penalty should have been on the table. When further charges revealed during investigations and his prison stays arose, they weren't levied by the State.
No he got his fair day in court. He dragged his family through the spotlight and the mud during this whole process. For once in your life Mike, think of others before you act. Accept your guilt, as you and only you know you truly are, face your consequences like a man, and retreat to your jail cell for the remainder of your life where you know you belong. Further delays and appeals only keep this wound fresh for your family, let them and the people in this county heal, and quit being a drain on their tax dollars. You had your day in court, your peers saw your guilt, it's about time you do.
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