Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Angela Meyers, DOJ DNA Lab, AKA "Mrs 1.9x10^16"

**Angela Meyers testimony has not concluded, and I will be updating with a few people that testified before her later tonight, but the content of her testimony makes it one of the most important thus far. **

Where do you work?
Jan Bashinski DNA Lab in Richmond, CA. 

How long have you worked for the Department of Justice?
About 10 years as a Forensic DNA Analyst.
I have conducted over 1,000 DNA tests, Testified 10-15 times.
Bachelors in Biology and classes on DNA testing/analysis by California State.

How many items of evidence did you look at in this case?
About 80.

How much time did you invest working on this case?
Weeks, maybe months.

How many reports did you write in regards to this case?
 I think 10.

What did you start out doing on this case?
Paternity testing to identify the father of Asha's unborn child.

REG-2#1 : Blood sample from the unborn child.
REG-9#3 : Asha's blood.
JIP-5#9 : Richard Veil cheek swab (DNA).
PAW-1#2 : Michael McClish's blood sample.

Findings: Strong evidence Richard Veil is the paternal father of Asha's unborn child, Michael McClish excluded as possible father. She talked about probabilities in regards to race, for Caucasians it was 1 in 1,800,000 that someone Caucasian would have the same markers, making them a possible paternity match.

More evidence:
REG-9#1 : The noose of yellow rope found around Asha's neck.

Pic of REG-9#1 packaging as Meyers received it.

Pic of REG-9#1 as taken by Meyers in the condition she received it. Large clump of hair still attached.

Pic of REG-9#1 as taken by Meyers after hair was removed.

Pic of REG-9#1 as taken by Meyers, close up of knot.

Another close up of the knot from above.

She swabbed bloodless areas of the rope three times in order to find DNA of anyone that handled the rope. She found 3 DNA profiles.

1) Major profile was Asha.
2) Major male profile, unknown male, did not find a match in CODIS DNA Database, still being searched, explained below.
3) Low Level Profile.

Richard Veil was excluded as a contributor to either profile 2 or 3.
McClish was excluded as the major male profile, but could not be excluded as the low level profile (3).

NOTE ON CODIS: FBI maintained DNA Database. From their website:
Q: What is CODIS?
A: CODIS is the acronym for the “Combined DNA Index System” and is the generic term used to describe the FBI’s program of support for criminal justice DNA databases as well as the software used to run these databases. The National DNA Index System or NDIS is considered one part of CODIS, the national level, containing the DNA profiles contributed by federal, state, and local participating forensic laboratories.

For more info: CODIS FAQ, CODIS General.

Meyers listed all of the people involved in the case that she was given DNA samples of to test found DNA against, would determine if any of the DNA evidence she found could be ruled out by contamination from investigators. She listed the DNA she was given, and it was pretty much everyone that had any connection to the case, including DA Jeff Rosell who I don't believe was ever at any of the crime scenes, showing they went above and beyond. Not one appeared in any of her findings.

REG-2#21 : Swab from the top of the steering wheel in Asha's car.
REG-2#22 : Swab from the bottom of the steering wheel in Asha's car.

Asha was the major contributor of DNA found on swabs (obviously). There was a minor male DNA profile present, McClish's DNA profile was consistent with a match. Probability that another Caucasian could be a profile match: 1 in 130,000.

**At this point of the testimony I noted that Michael McClish was not his normal motionless, emotionless self. He was fidgeting a lot and his face was flinching, something I have not noticed him do thus far.

MAM05161 (was said quick, not sure these are accurate #s) - Asha's Credit Cards. Low level mixture DNA, there was not enough info to use.

Bloody vegetation collected by Mrs. Walker from between the passenger seat and passenger door.
Great sample, she got results for every segment she was after. 
-Compared to Asha's blood sample.
-Match in all 13 segments she tested.
-Chances it is DNA from ANYONE ELSE: 1 in 19 Quadrillion. or 1 in 1.9x10^16, or 1 in 19,000,000,000,000,000. There are only 7,000,000,000 people on earth currently... IT IS ASHA's BLOOD. To say otherwise would be like saying you still believe the Earth to be flat, stupid.

**I want to note that I was watching McClish during Mrs. Meyers testimony regarding REG-15#6a, I knew its significance and I wanted to see his reaction, and I saw the last thing I expected, a big smirk. For lack of a better word, as smirk doesn't really describe it, he had a big old 'shit eating grin.' Excuse the French, but that's what it was.

All other evidence ignored. All preconceived notions of Michael McClish, and Asha ignored...
A pregnant woman in a small town is killed. She suspects a married man is the father (proven beyond a reasonable doubt). She meets with the married man one night to discuss the child (proven beyond a reasonable doubt) and is never seen again. Her blood is found in his car when he is the last one confirmed to have been with her before her disappearance.

As a juror that is enough for me to lean towards guilt. It may not be beyond a reasonable doubt that he killed her, but coupled with all of the other evidence already presented in this case I believe it is the death knell in McClish's trial. I do not see the Jury returning a Not Guilty verdict after today in good conscience.

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